Sunday, February 14, 2010

# 24 Looking Back In Time

I think I have now in week 24, gotten what Sandie means about this Time Project. Having just completed my 65th birthday with old friends and my kids and grand kids I have to say the passage of time is becoming more present. I still feel 32 which helps to keep me in the now and thankfully I don't have any pains which makes it much easy to forget my chronological age. This past month I had some really good quality time with my parents reminiscing about our early days as a family. Vivid memories have been reinforced by my sister and brothers. That coupled with the extraordinary birth of Winnie, my son's baby daughter, has had an amazing push pull effect. I'm struck by the many hats that we all wear; daughter, sister, wife, mother, grandmother, worker, artist, and friend, all replete with a flood of memories..This piece speaks to 4 of those roles. The two wire figures with the blue gel, are me as a 65 year old with sharp edges and then a more voluptuous perkier 32 year old. The gel represents the 'now' in time. There are 5 blue wires attached to the wood that are family memories. The two smaller ones with the orange gels are my grand kids on one side, and me and my siblings as children on the other. The center piece with the blue and light green gels is me, and the two larger ocher colored outer sections are my parents on one side and my children on the other side. Thinking back it makes me feel extremely grateful to have lived such a full rich life with some many wonderful vital people in tow. To all of them I say thank you!

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