Bill McKibben was on NPR this weekend and what he pointed out continues to be true. What is happening in the gulf is not the only place where danger lurks. Out atmosphere is becoming saturated with CO2 and other excessive Greenhouse gases, that are working continuously to alter our climate and increase the temperature of the planet. The consequences of the resulting planetary in balance will be even more catastrophic then what is happening in the gulf. We can't dismiss this truth and give in to the junk science skeptics that speak with loud voices. We must act now to curb our consumptive habits in order to slow the in balance that is happening on a global scale. Change will only happen if the masses mobilize in protest. We can't wait, we must act now.
This piece is about the Energy bill, showing turbine blades dripping with oil, and a party blower to illustrate the roll back of tax breaks from Uncle Sam to the oil giants.
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