Saturday, August 28, 2010

#52 Indifference

The multiple facets of the Climate Change subject are complex and confusing. To many the issues are too big and boring. It isn’t that they aren’t somewhat informed because for the most part they are; it is just that it is easier to ignore the subject and go about your business. Action only happens when ones pocketbook, property, or family, are impacted. The highly vocal voices of the naysayers and Fox News help just enough to remove all responsibility of involvement in trying to change the state of the planet. Particularly when one considers that all these extreme conditions have been repeated often over the millenniums. We didn’t create the problem therefore why should we be expected to do anything about it, is the rational. When pressed about the greenhouse emissions created by our huge hunger for oil there is some mention of conservation. And the good news is that most people are law abiding and would be willingly to conserve energy if the state and federal governments mandated legislation that dictated that kind of behavior change.
This last piece is about indifference with one part of the person buried in the sand with the light switch OFF showing a blatant disregard for energy waste as seen in the yellow discs. After Fire and a gavel on the head mandating a new energy policy the switch in the upper head is ON and the black and yellow discs show the change.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

#51 Adaptation

The all American red breasted Robin has for the first time ever been seen in the Arctic. Never before has it flown north of the Boreal forests its normal summer home. This summer individuals have been spotted along the Utukok River, which is part of the Arctic National Wildlife Preserve. Climate Change is heating up the planet and the natural balance of predator and prey is being thrown off kilter. If a species is to survive it must adapt somehow to the loss or change of habitat, its food sources and the encroachment of humans. Birds have an advantage over say turtles as they can fly away from a habitat in peril, and if they are lucky find another. This piece is about two robins on a river in the tundra of the arctic.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

#50 Managing the Now

My head and shoulders are embedded in a thick cradled piece of wood representing the ‘now.’ Yesterday with overlapping events connects behind on the right, while tomorrow in its almost clear wonderment stretches away on the left. The merry-go-around of slotted time represents how the present divides up constant motion over the course of the day. Being raised with a heavy Puritan work ethic and more importantly a confrontation with Death has created an urgency that manifests in not wanting to miss anything. I guess you could say the bottom line is to not inflict harm, while getting the most out of everyday.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

#49 Heat and Fire

Mother Nature is turning up the temperature and this summer has been plenty hot. Moscow in particular and Russia in general, has experienced record breaking heat with temperatures hovering around the 100 degree mark. The people of Moscow have been so hot they have been jumping into the plaza fountains fully clothed. Along with the blistering hot temperature have come extremely dry conditions which have fed out of control fires that have burned villages right to the ground. Moscow is surrounded by fires and the smoke has caused all kinds of people with respiratory conditions to retreat into their apartments to escape the thick polluted air. Unfortunately there is no central cooling and for many the heat inside is worse then out, driving them back out into the extreme conditions. This piece is about the heat and fires. The fountain has hot polluted water coming out of the top which is raining down on three people in the bottom tier. Fire is boxing it all in.

Monday, August 2, 2010

#48 The Passion of Purpose

Bob Kafka is what you would call a gutsy mover and shaker. Left a quadriplegic from a an accident in his youth, he went on to become very involved in the politics within the disabled community and ultimately was instrumental in helping to establish the American Disabilities Act. The ADA for the first time addressed the needs of the disabled within their communities, work places, and schools. He was a master at mobilizing disabled people to action through civil disobedience by capitalizing on their anger and passion. As he pointed out action comes from the anger of injustice and discrimination and the passionate commitment is what is needed to make a change.
Hearing his words inspired this piece, which led me to look for someone within the environmental movement who also shares that fiery passion. Many of you will remember Julia Butterfly Hill who found her calling in 1997 when she first encountered a stand of huge ancient redwood trees in California. They were destined for the saw when she decided to ascended 180 feet into a 1000 year old tree to live and protect it for two years. She named the tree Luna, and while living there was able to negotiate with local officials a nature preserve for the surrounding trees and raise awareness worldwide for the plight of old growth forests. This piece is about the upper reaches of a tree which is embracing its young occupant with its ancient energy.

Monday, July 26, 2010

#47 Sea Ice Melt

The jury is still out as to whether 2010 will rival 2007 for the greatest loss of Arctic sea ice in its recorded history. Already the temperature on the poles is heating up at a greater rate than the rest of the planet. It has increased by 2.2 degrees Fahrenheit. Unlike the white ice which naturally reflects the sun’s heat back up into the atmosphere, the dark Arctic Ocean absorbs the solar heat and raises the water temperature. There is an acceleration of melting sea ice, global weather fluctuations, and the heating of the surrounding land masses, which releases methane and CO2 into the atmosphere further impacting global warming. The atmosphere, cloud impact, and now recently the Arctic wind study, are all contributors to the rapid loss of sea ice. Many naysayers are jumping on this newly released wind study to disprove that man is a contributor and harbors responsibility for the greenhouse effect on Climate Change. This piece is about melting sea ice, the heating up of the ocean, and the sweep of the wind.

Monday, July 19, 2010

#46 Desalination

As the planet heats up vast areas are experiencing extended periods of drought, from changing weather patterns. This is particularly true of subtropical areas such as the Southwestern part of the US, Australia, Africa and Europe. No animal, plant, or human, can live without water and future wars could develop should populations feel threatened.

Australia out of necessity, with a threatening extended drought, has been fine tuning the technology behind desalination plants to rescue the land from a potentially disastrous situation. By the process of reverse osmosis, salt is removed from sea water which then can be used for farming and human consumption. To date desalination has been technically difficult and expensive, but necessity drives innovation and man is in hot pursuit of a cheaper and technically simpler way to solve this problem. This piece is about desalination with the sea water being sucked into the bottom of the stick/pipe where it is then run through a valve at the top where the salt remains and the fresh water is then spewed out over the parched land.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

#45 Biodiversity

In honor of South Africa and the World Cup, I decided to focus on the Rooibos bush, which has the distinctive feature of only existing in one place on the planet, the Western Cape of South Africa. This fragile plant has adapted beautifully to the seasonal harsh conditions of this Cedartree region. The Rooibos flowers make a highly prized red tea and the local farmers consider it a very valuable cash crop. There is added value to the tea if the farmers don’t use pesticides and get Biodiversity certification. That means that they use nature’s creatures to control the health of their bushes. In the case of the Rooibos there is a problem with a small moth that lays an egg in the stem of the Rooibos flower. The egg hatches into a grub which then munches its way through the stems and eventually kills the bush. Rather than use pesticides the farmers have found a novel way of solving the problem. Their farm lands are open and fence free, allowing baboons, native to the area, easy access to the plants. They love grubs and comb their way through the bushes in search of these nutrious sources of protein. The plants are saved, the farmers make money selling their popular tea and the baboons are revered and considered heroes by all the villagers.

Monday, July 5, 2010

# 44 Road Runoff

In 1999 there was an outbreak of mosquitos on Long Island. There was a fear that the mosquitos might be carring a disease that would infect the population so they were sprayed with Malathion a very toxic pesticide. It was a success and the mosquito population was wiped out. Shortly after they were sprayed the heavy rains from a hurricane brushed the coast, cleaning the land of all forms of pollution and washing it into the closest receiving body of water, Long Island Sound. It wasn't long after the heavy rains that millions of baby lobsters growing in Long Island Sound were found dead. As it turns out lobsters are structurally very similar to the mosquito's, and to this day the lobster men up and down the east coast blame the lobster die off on the pesticide Malathion. Many scientists say that the lobster die off was due to Climate Change, which was creating warmer water, and lower oxygen levels that tend to weaken and stress out the lobsters. The lobster men remain united in blaming the pesticide. Just recently scientists are revisiting the Malathion toxicity to see if perhaps the lobster men might be right and it did in fact add to the demise of a whole population of lobsters. The jury is still out and the pesticide is still widely used along the shoreline.. This piece is about road run off, or non-point source pollution. The spray is the pesticide which is being carried off by the rain and running into the ocean water where there are baby lobsters. The mosquitoes are shown in the middle of the spray.

Monday, June 28, 2010

# 43 Halliburton Loophole

Since the 1940's, when first invented by the Halliburton Company, the gas and oil industries in the States have been using 'hydraulic fracturing,' or 'fracing,' in wells to break up underground gas and oil formations. The use of chemicals at super high pressure in the wells is particularly effective in releasing fossil fuels. Unfortunately the chemicals used in this process are extremely toxic and have been known to escape into the groundwater, spill onto the land and pollute the air. Great reserves of natural gas have been found near or under groundwater and in spite of the danger of spills the drilling has been going on relentlessly now in 34 of our States. Recently it has come to light this drilling practice is responsible for poisoning our drinking water. In order to protect the oil and gas industry from having to disclose the chemicals that they use in this fracing process, the 'Halliburton Loophole' was created by Dick Cheney, in secrecy, during the formation of the Bush Energy Power Act. This loophole exempts the industry from breaking the law, freeing them of any consequences and allowing them the right to inject unchecked toxic chemicals into or near our drinking water supplies.
This piece is about this loophole. There is a Cheney mask, ground water, gas bubbles and a little bit of a chemical spill.

Monday, June 21, 2010

#42 Hubris

Recently the five major oil company CEO's meet before Congress to be questioned about their recovery strategies, should an accident occur in deep water drilling. All of them (BP included) without exception presented virtually identical written bogus reports that not only fabricated the success of unproven technology to cap blown wells in deep water, but also played down the effects of spills on the environment for animals in the region. They all featured the Walrus as one of the Gulf of Mexico mammals that could be impacted. What is curious is that the Walrus doesn't live anywhere near the warm waters of the Gulf, but instead as any school child can tell you, resides in the frigid waters of the Arctic.

Almost worse then the recklessness of the oil companies is the blatant favoritism offered so willingly by our government's watch dog agency, the Mineral Management Services. The inspectors and regulators have happily fed their greedy appetites with extravagant gifts from the oil giants, in exchange for signing off on safety and proven technologies. And don't forget US, the thirsty consumers, who get outraged if the price of gasoline goes up, and our life styles are altered. We would all prefer to embrace complacency then sacrifice and make our voices heard.

I have featured a Walrus covered in a bit of oil in the warm waters of the Gulf.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

# 41 Sushi

The Western subspecies of the Atlantic Bluefin Tuna migrates from the northern part of the east coast near Newfoundland, its feeding grounds, south to the Gulf of Mexico to spawn, during the months of March and April. This 600 lb behemoth is highly prized for its delicious meat, and has been a staple in the sushi business for years. Now once again our insatiable appetite has plunged this magnificent fish to the edge of extinction. The commercial industry is on the verge of collapse with the stock being depleted 90% since the '70s. Couple that with the Deepwater Horizon oil well disaster which is very close to where the fish go to spawn in the Gulf, and the future of this species looks bleak, if it is to exist at all.

The wires in this piece show the migration route of the tuna as they go up and down the east coast of North America. The mother tuna is made up of sushi photos and the larval are reddish brown for the oil slick in the Gulf. There is a cluster of eggs that are also made up of brown (oil) wires.

Monday, June 7, 2010

# 40 Energy Bill Push

Last week President Obama began a semi-passionate plea to get the clean energy bill passed. The House version of the energy bill, which has been languishing in the senate for months now, has to date, had little support from the Republicans, and been met with skepticism from some Democrats. Hoping to capitalize on the horrors of BP's Deepwater Horizon disaster he is once again promoting the need for clean renewable energy and an end to our fossil fuel dependence. One of the more positive measures in his suggested bill would be the roll back of huge tax breaks to the oil giants like BP, Mobile and Exxon, which would free up billions of dollars that could be used for renewable energy incentives and general tax payer relief.

Bill McKibben was on NPR this weekend and what he pointed out continues to be true. What is happening in the gulf is not the only place where danger lurks. Out atmosphere is becoming saturated with CO2 and other excessive Greenhouse gases, that are working continuously to alter our climate and increase the temperature of the planet. The consequences of the resulting planetary in balance will be even more catastrophic then what is happening in the gulf. We can't dismiss this truth and give in to the junk science skeptics that speak with loud voices. We must act now to curb our consumptive habits in order to slow the in balance that is happening on a global scale. Change will only happen if the masses mobilize in protest. We can't wait, we must act now.
This piece is about the Energy bill, showing turbine blades dripping with oil, and a party blower to illustrate the roll back of tax breaks from Uncle Sam to the oil giants.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

#39 Earth Nest

For a few days last week our newest grandchild visited us. I was struck once again by the extraordinary innocence, vulnerability and wonderment that is ever present in the faces of babies of all species. When they are threatened, there is nothing that will get you out of a left brained mode faster than their safety. We are instantly removed from our arrogant, superior, intellectual, perch and thrown into a fierce protective place, that reminds us of our animal roots and that world for which we are a part. A perfect example of the power of the maternal protective instinct was present yesterday morning at first light. A large turkey was roosting on the lawn right next to the walkway. My husband passed her with only a few feet to spare and she didn't move but instead puffed up her feathers and tried to look as fierce as she could without moving. When he was safely by she relaxed and settled back into her splayed wing stretch. Within a few minutes after he was gone, two tiny heads peeked out from under her huge wing. Two day old chicks wiggled free into the wonderment of the new day soon to be followed by seven others. Within moments they were all out scratching and exploring and their mother with her soft protective clucking had begun her day.
Once again with this never ending massive oil spill we are soiling our nest and the children will pay. This piece is about Winnie in an earth nest.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

# 38 The Back Scratching Tango

The Mineral Management Service, is part of the Interior Department, of the US government, which permits and regulates drilling projects for the oil and gas industries. For many years they have turned a blind eye to the oil and gas giants, when it comes to safety, clean up scenarios and environmental concerns, in exchange for favors. Often times the inspection reports were allowed to be written by the oil companies themselves in pencil only later to be traced in pen by the MMS staff. BP's off shore deep water drilling in the Gulf of Mexico was treated with the same casual nonchalance. Taken on the word of the BP employees that there was no problem with tapping the well, 5000 feet below on the ocean floor, should an accident occur, the MMS granted the permits to drill.
And as they say, the rest is history..
This piece is about back scratching in a harmonies dance of self-serving greed.

# 37 Baseball Size Hail

Climate Change, is defined by its extreme weather patterns. The deluge of rain exceeding 18" in some parts of the country has caused ruinous flooding to some of our most famous cities, Nashville and Oklahoma City to name a few. Mile wide tornadoes and hail the size of baseballs have been pounding Oklahoma and Texas in recent days.

This piece is about hail and tornadoes. The largest of the round hanging circles are actually the size of baseballs just to give you a sense of how huge this hail actually was. A tornado and dark purple storm clouds are in the center of the piece.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

# 36 Run Away Technology

The four story 90 ton container dome that was suppose to fit nicely over the raging oil leak in the Gulf of Mexico has failed. It seems that 5000 feet down the temperatures are close to freezing and the variables are unknown. All the fail safe procedures that were suppose to correct a catastrophic disaster scenario have failed. The BP folks are looking for any help they can get to stop the leak. Low tech golf balls and pieces of tire stuffed in the broken pipe are now a top consideration. Meanwhile over three million gallons of crude oil are blanketing the waters of the Gulf, with 210,000 more gallons being added daily. It is coming ashore in spite of a herculean effort on the part of the government and the local coastal communities trying desperately to save their livelihoods.
This latest piece is about the oil leak in the deep blue/purple water above the ground /stick with a mask like face of Mother Earth below.

Sunday, May 2, 2010


As of tonight Sunday, May 2, 2010, the oil spill which is growing by 210,000 gallons of crude oil a day has reached the shores of Louisiana. This catastrophic spill which is now larger than the state of Rhode Island, is bound to threaten the environment and economy of four of our gulf states for many months or perhaps years to come. The collapsed Deep water Horizon Rig, is owned by the British Petroleum Co. which is now responsible for this terrible spill. The technology of being able to pull oil up to the surface from 5,000 feet below on the ocean floor was a feat worth celebrating. The only problem is that now the safety (eleven lives thought to be lost,) and ability to correct and repair the damage done to the well head is currently unachievable. It appears we are at the mercy of our advanced technology.
The wood in this piece reminded me of a heron with bowed head, and the gels that circle him are the blues of the ocean currents and the browns and oranges of the oil spill.

Friday, April 23, 2010

# 34 Loss of a Hat

I’ve been struck once again by how we hang our identity on whatever the most prevalent hat is that we are wearing. The wood in this piece is full of holes, which represent the experiences left by the departure of the multiple identities that we shed over the course of a lifetime. With each loss or change of role, we are left with a funny nakedness or temporary void. Our strengths and weaknesses need to be analyzed once again, and put into some structure for future consideration. Free of distraction the renewed awareness that we are the sum total of whom we have been, presents itself front and center. So now, all that is left to do is wait for new direction.

# 33 Tent Pegs

I’ve recently lost my job, which I loved. This piece is about the folding of the tents, with one still aloft, and the other on the ground. The wires spell out VCS and the wooden figure doesn’t quite have the spring in its step that was there before.

Monday, April 12, 2010

# 32 Tail Pipe Law

Back during President ‘W’ reign, the Clean Air Act was being challenged then as it is now. A judge ruled that CO2 emissions could impact human health and that industry needed to reduce its emissions and comply with safer standards. Bush ignored the findings.. Now just last week the Department of Transportation and the EPA have bypassed the ongoing legislative fight on the Energy bill and have set in place a new standard to cut emissions. It is the first time that the Clean Air Act has been applied to CO2 and other global warming pollutants. All new passenger cars and light trucks made from 2012-2016 will be required to meet emission standards of 250 grams of CO2 per mile, or the equivalent to 35.5 miles per gallon. These new standards will cut emission of CO2 by 30% or 960 million tons. This latest piece is about tail pipes. The blue gels inside the orange are meant to show the reduction of emissions.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

# 31 Gnarled

Last weekend on a beach walk we found this spectacular piece of driftwood. I'd been thinking about the value of having a piece of wood really direct you and this piece was speaking in a powerful whisper. "Don't do much.." it said.. After considerable thought I decided on mock spider webs intergraded with these beautiful glass beads that I purchased specifically to go with the driftwood. Is this cheating? I'm not sure, but to me the best thing about my added idea is that I don't think it overwhelms the piece. The other thing that I love is that in a good light you can't see the fishing line and the glass beads just float within the negative spaces.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

# 30 Fire and Ice

Iceland sits on top of a series of volcanoes. The last time the volcano which is currently blowing its top saw action was in 1820. A much larger sister volcano named Lakla brewing under the massive Myrdalsjokull ice cap has a pattern of following suit. Lakla last exploded in the winter of 1918 causing its gases to turn to smog which filled the jet stream in such quantity that weather patterns were changed in Europe, causing crop failure and famine. Scientists are keeping a close eye on her as her eruption will cause almost instant flooding and explosive gases shooting into the atmosphere. Sounds a bit like Armageddon doesn't it? Mother Nature is so much bigger than all of us and in spite of our grand egos we are still and forever more at her mercy.

This piece is about the current eruption, seen as the red wires at the top of the stick. The white and blue gels are the ice cap and the fiery bubbling Lakla in shown in red and yellow gels below.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

# 2 Gluttony

We are an amazing consumptive people and the effect on the natural world is huge. The destruction of the rain forest for farm land to grow crops that ultimately get sold to the US and other industrial countries is taking its toll on the rest of the life that is trying to inhabit this planet.
This piece is about a bloated Uncle Sam, with fat cheeks and pursed lips ready to suck in more excess. The pieces of drift wood are positioned in such a way to say "Time Out" and "Stop!